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Instantly capture and share your videos or images whenever you need to

Instantly capture and share your videos or images whenever you need to

Popular programs in Screen Capture

What is TechSmith Capture (Formerly Jing)

Jing makes it easy for you to capture and share a variety of different videos and pictures while browsing the internet.

If you have ever been browsing the internet and found something that was interesting that you would like to share with the world, you know how frustrating it can be to try to save and copy these images yourself. You first have to try to figure out how to save the image to your computer and then figure a way to actually upload it online in order to share it with the world. Thankfully, a program known as Jing can make this a lot easier for you and will enable you to download and share just about any picture or video that you find on the internet. The program itself is almost always open on the side of your screen and can quickly and effortlessly allow you to share these images that you find without having to worry about doing all of the hard work yourself.

What is Jing?

Jing is a photo sharing program that enables you to save and share pictures and videos that you find on the internet. It basically takes the guesswork out of trying to share these videos or pictures yourself and does all of the work for you. The program itself is totally free and does not require you to pay anything in order to begin using it right away. You will be amazed at what this particular program can do for you and how quickly it can share any picture or video you find on the internet.

What Can You Do with Jing?

This particular program is always open on the side of your browser and computer so that you have access to it at all times. This means that you will easily be able to share pictures and videos that you find by simply adding them to the program itself. The program is also incredibly easy to get the hang of using without worrying that you are a novice when it comes to using programs that allow for file sharing.

Downloading and Installing

The program is free to download and begin using, so it is a good idea to visit the website and actually download it onto your computer so that you can make use of all of its different features. Once you download the program, you can simply use it to copy and paste different pictures or videos that you find on the internet and then share them automatically with a variety of different social media accounts that you already have opened. The program makes it easy for you to accomplish this without trying to figure out how to upload different videos and pictures yourself and take valuable room up on your own computer.

Pros of Using Jing

  • Supports a variety of different file format types.
  • You can share a variety of different videos and pictures with the world.
  • The program is very easy to use as often as you would like.

Cons of Using Jing

  • There is a limited number of editing features available within this program.
  • The program has been known to have issues with lagging.